Unlock Exclusive Access with Our Membership

Worldwide Brands Provides Real Wholesale Opportunities

With our exclusive membership, you gain access to the most trusted suppliers to elevate your business. Not ready to explore our world of Certified Wholesalers and Dropshippers yet? Keep reading for Membership FAQs.

Directory Membership FAQs

Get answers to the most common questions about our membership, designed to help you understand the benefits and features of joining Worldwide Brands.

What are the benefits of a Worldwide Brands membership?

Our membership provides access to a comprehensive directory of certified wholesalers and dropshippers, ensuring you connect with reliable suppliers for your business needs. Real wholesale sources with real wholesale prices.

How do I join Worldwide Brands?

To join, simply click on the ‘Order Now‘ button in the top menu and follow the order process. You’ll immediately receive a username and password to access our extensive directory upon completion.

Is there a trial period for the membership?

Currently, we do not offer a trial period. But you can watch a walk-through video on the Wholesale Directory Page or get Guest Access via the Free Preview. Our membership also comes with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, allowing you to explore our services risk-free.

What is your guarantee?

We offer a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. Simply contact customer service at info@worldwidebrands.com to start the refund process if not satisfied.

Are we getting the products to sell from you?

We are not the wholesaler. We are a product sourcing company that for the last 25 years has been finding and certifying wholesalers and dropshippers for online retailers and adding them to our Directory for our members to find. 

Are you a middleman?

We are not a middleman. Worldwide Brands finds and qualifies the wholesale sources and adds them to our Directory for our members to find. Our members contact and work directly with their suppliers of choice. 

How do I integrate your Directory into my website?

We are not manufacturers, wholesalers or distributors ourselves. We provide a Directory of these types of companies. So we do not offer datafiles or integrations of any kind. However, many of the listed suppliers offer datafiles like XLS files and some also provide integrations to your site. We post on the suppliers listing the types of datafiles offered if any.

Are there any additional fees beyond the membership cost?

No, there are no hidden fees. Your membership fee covers full access to our directory and all associated resources.

I am a member and I lost my password.

If your email address is the same, go to the Member Center login page and click the “Forgot Your Login” Click Here link.

If you still have trouble logging in, you can contact customer support for help at info@worldwidebrands.com