Email marketing has to be one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing there is! That is, IF you can get a list built up. Once that happens then you will have a fantastic group of highly targeted people to low cost market to.

It’s always a good idea to create a mailing list so visitors have something free to sign up for before purchase. Whether it’s a newsletter about your niche or a PDF of the top 10 ideas of things to do with the products you sell. Then of course another mailing list specifically for people that purchase from you so you can share different things with them based on what they bought… Did they buy some fruit scented candles last month? So now maybe they would like to buy something from your new line of kitchen lemon scented candles?!?

Email Marketing List Services

You can also purchase “lists of emails” from services. They will send emails on your behalf to email addresses that they have gathered and/or purchased over the years. You choose how many email addresses you want to send to. You also pick from customer demographics and their interests so you have as much of a targeted list as possible.

Determining who your main clients are; male or female, age range, location and other demographics is extremely useful so you are marketing to the best lists possible. List selling services or marketing services like this charge per email. So shop around to find the best one for you that has the right pool of people to pick from.

email marketing can be an extremely effective form of marketing

Remember, if you use such a service, absolutely setup a newsletter or something that for people to sign up for. Use that signup page as your destination link in your mass emails. You need to get those people on YOUR own direct mailing list to help build your marketing list up and giving those people something FREE will get them there. Then you can stop spending money on those other services at some point because your list will be nice and big.

Email Marketing Cautions

Direct email marketing campaigns should be informative and fun. Give them useful content, and they will read your email, and look forward to your next one. Then also send marketing emails with discounts and sale notifications between those informative emails.

Always consider spam words when writing your content. If your email is riddled with spam trigger words, like; As Seen On, Buy, Clearance, Order, shopper and many others (do an online search for spam trigger words to see more) , your email will immediately get dumped into spam or junk mail and never read.

However, these days most emails are seen as spam unless recipients mark them as not spam. Here at we constantly get legitimate customer emails asking about our Directory that land in our spam/junk folders. So it’s important to ALWAYS check those folders and remind your customers of the same!

By Tisha Hedges

Director of Operations for Worldwide Brands, Inc

One thought on “Cheap Marketing Ideas – Email Marketing”
  1. great post, very informative. I wonder why the other experts of this sector don’t realize this.

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