Poor product images on your website can ruin the entire shopping experience and make your site look unprofessional. It’s important that you create a beautiful and easy to navigate store that encourages customers to buy what you have and keep coming back. Anything less will send them running towards your competitors!

The Importance of GREAT Product Images

Since customers can’t physically pick up and examine the product, it’s crucial to provide them with enough clear, high-quality images to make them feel as if they are. 

High-quality product images are essential for several reasons:

  1. First Impressions Matter: The first thing customers notice on your website is the product images. A well-lit, detailed photo captures their attention and makes a strong first impression.
  2. Builds Trust: Clear and professional images convey a sense of trustworthiness and credibility. Customers are more likely to buy from a site that looks polished and reliable.
  3. Reduces Returns: Accurate images set the right expectations, reducing customer disappointment and the likelihood of returns.
  4. Enhances Shopping Experience: Showing multiple angles and close-ups lets customers see every detail, boosting their confidence in making a purchase.

What To Look For When Selecting Images For Your Store

shows a photographer taking  product images of a vase in a well lit light box

You may be using a dropship wholesale supplier that provided you with images of the products to use. But don’t just randomly use them, look closely at them and ask these questions…

  1. Are they too small?
    If they are too small for your site, you need to make them bigger, or request larger file sizes from the supplier so you can conform them to your site without pixelating the image.
  2. Did they only give you one?
    If they only give you one image, you should request more or purchase the product to take your own images to show it off properly. (Remember, you are the salesperson here and it’s YOUR website!)
  3. Does this image match others on your site?
    You need your images to look similar. If you are using more than one supplier for your online store, they may have different backgrounds. So you should use a editing program to change the backgrounds to all match and choose a color that looks good in your store.

Photoshop is a fantastic tool for editing images, but it does come with a steep learning curve due to its robust features. If you know someone skilled in graphic design, they might be able to lend a hand. Alternatively, you can hire affordable graphic design help on platforms like Upwork.com and Fiverr.com.

To see Sin #1 about Store Color Choices go here.

By Tisha Hedges

Director of Operations for Worldwide Brands, Inc

4 thoughts on “Deadly Sins of Online Store Design Sin #2: Product Images”
  1. I personally won’t shop from a site where all the images look like they came from many different places. Doesn’t look legitimate to me!

  2. I highly recommend going the route of taking your own pics. If you have the products on hand, you can use them in a variety of ways to take pics and videos of for social media which is where I made the majority of my sales!

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