Store design font choices are crucial, just like color. You need to carefully consider the font types you want to use, not just for your headers, but also for your content, navigation, and every place where words appear.

the right store design font choices will engage and captivate readers like this girl with a glowing book.

So why is this important? Well, what do you do with content? Hopefully, you answered that you READ IT! Unfortunately, many websites use tiny, hard-to-read fonts, cram content together, or choose unattractive fonts, making it extremely difficult to read their content. This is unfortunate because some of it is actually good when you can SEE it!

Choosing the right font style and format for your online store will already put you ahead of the competition and for something so easy, you would think that everyone would do it right!

The Wrong and Right Store Design Font Choices

It’s pretty obvious that you should always stay away from flowery scriptive fonts. They are extremely hard to read and you have to appeal to the masses. You must choose easy to read fonts and don’t be afraid to have LARGE text. That larger font will make it easier for older shoppers or shoppers with poor eyesight to naviagate your store.

The color of your font to compliment your background is important too. If you choose a white background and yellow font, that would make it too hard to read. Black on white and white on black are the easiest color choices and most widely used because it’s familiar. But if your store overall theme color is lavender, you can use a dark purple for your font on a white background and it works just as well. So just adjust and try different things to see what works and makes your beautiful content stand out!

Don’t Forget that Font Styles Make a Difference Too

Bold, italics and caps. Don’t overuse these additional styles that you can add to your font. Otherwise your customer won’t know where to look.

Bold is used for emphasis or to draw your attention to something. Use for headings or sub-headings.
Italics is used for emphasis as well.  Like keywords, quotes, captions or titles.
– All CAPS for words or sentences make them hard to read, so avoid using as much as possible except for short words that you want to emphasize. Most people feel that all caps makes them feel as if they are being shouted at. So keep that in mind.

Choosing the right font may not seem that important, but it really is and you should be extremely thoughtful in your selections. Because good overall font and the font color choices will really help to personalize your store and if they all work together to make everything easy on the eyes you will be rewarded by customers and repeat customers!

Ask your friends and your family members their thoughts on your font choices. Getting a large diversity of people you know to check our your store and give you honest feedback is the best way to get those font choices nailed.

By Tisha Hedges

Director of Operations for Worldwide Brands, Inc

4 thoughts on “Deadly Sins of Online Store Design Sin #3: Poor Font Choices”
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