win-lose it's not as black and white as that

Do you know someone that has a win-lose mentality? Or perhaps you have this belief? It means that you believe that if someone else is successful or doing the same thing that you want to do, then there would be less opportunity for you. Winning at all costs is the mantra, and if you don’t see the opportunity to win, you don’t even try.

Well, a belief like this is not conducive to a long-lasting successful business.

We receive emails and phone calls from newbie online sellers who can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. They feel they can’t compete with big online stores, or other sellers in the marketplace selling the same or similar products. So they give up, without even trying! They give up on their dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Well, sorry to say, but it must not have been that big of a dream to give up on it so easily!

Everyone is unique. Everyone is their own person. We each have our own personality, feelings, beliefs, and a unique perspective on life. Some are more creative than others, some are more humorous than others, and some are more intelligent than others. But our personalities likes and dislikes, bleed into one another and cross over to appeal to others. Yes, you are unique, but there are thousands of others that touch on your personality and will hold similar beliefs and outlooks on life. Inherently we like the same things. If there weren’t those similarities, every retailer would struggle to sell any product.

So what do you do? Find creative solutions to the problems.

If the problem is that you are trying to compete with other retailers, then do something that they aren’t doing. Advertise differently, use a unique set of keywords, and be more relatable to your audience, just to name a few.

I did a blog series about competing with big online retailers. This 8 part blog series holds a wealth of information about competing with other retailers. Not just big online retailers, but all competitors.

I invite you to check it out!

Here are the links:
Know Your Customers
Go Niche!
Great Content
Talk it Up!
Loyalty Programs
Better Website
Customer Support
Manage Costs

Once you drop the win-lose mentality and try, you will find that you can be successful at selling online. It does take trial and error and a lot of patience and attention, just like any growing business.

But as long as you don’t give up, you can be successful too! Just remember, big businesses started where you are, with an idea. Stay focused, educate yourself, keep trying, and keep your head in the game.

Check out those links above and make sure to leave a comment if you like what you read!

By Tisha Hedges

Director of Operations for Worldwide Brands, Inc

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