Every day, we get emails here for customer service where a brand new entrepreneur is asking about datafeeds and integrations because they want to offer THOUSANDS of products in lots of different categories on their website. They dream of being the next AMAZON or WALMART.
It is so wonderful that you have these big, lofty dreams. I think everyone should have at least one goal and work on it. But, I’m sorry to tell you that you have already failed before you even started. You can’t accomplish this dream as a new beginner. Every large company has started small and built to where they are today. It’s about growth and progress.
Amazon was an online bookstore.
Walmart was a very small general type store on a Main St. in a town in Arkansas. (You can still visit that store, it’s now a museum.)

If you even attempt to blow up to their level in just a few years, you are going to be stressed out, overworked, have spent A LOT of money and be not much further ahead than where you started or you most likely have quit already. (which typically happens)
The Importance of Picking a Niche
Amazon started as a bookstore in Jeff Bezos’s home garage, because at that time, he researched and found that books were in super high demand, he could get lots of different titles and the prices were low enough from his suppliers to make a good profit. That was then.
Now Jeff did something important, that other highly successful online entrepreneurs have done. STEP ONE: RESEARCH to find what was in DEMAND and that YOU CAN SELL online to make a PROFIT.
Sure, you can fiddle around and guess and try things and fail. But how about actually doing some legitimate research and learn how to do it right?
The Best Guide for Picking a Niche
This is where SellNiches.com can greatly help your new online business. They teach BEGINNERS just like you, how to find those profitable niche markets so you can also work on achieving those big goals of yours!
Their bundle of digital products will clearly teach you the fastest and easiest ways to pick great product niches to sell online.
Best of all, if you are a Worldwide Brands Member, their Sell Niches Bundle is the perfect companion to the Wholesaler & Dropshipper Directory!
So CHECK IT OUT! https://www.sell-niches.com/
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