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Affiliate Signup
Complete the form below to submit your information to join our affiliate program. Start by reading the Affiliate Agreement. By submitting your application you are accepting all terms and conditions outlined. Once approved, your Affiliate ID and password, as well as your unique affiliate link to the Worldwide Brands home page, and a link to the Affiliate Tools area will be emailed to you.

Note: All affiliate account submissions must be manually verified prior to approval. If data does not match, such as in an attempt for fraud, or the nature of your website does not adhere to our affiliate agreement , your account will be declined.
* = Required Field
* Company Name: 
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Email Address:
* Phone Number:
* Mailing Address:
* City:
      * State:
      * Country:
      * Zip Code:
* What URL are you putting your links on?: IE: your site URL, Twitter, Facebook, PPC's etc
* Pay Commissions to PayPal?
* PayPal Email Address
* Checks Payable To (if you chose yes to pay with PayPal, put your PayPal email address)
* Choose a password to access Stats:

 * I understand that I may NOT promote by sending unsolicited email (SPAM)
 * I have Read the Affiliate Agreement