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Fake Wholesalers Hurt YOUR Business & YOUR Customers!

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Fake Wholesalers Hurt YOUR Business & YOUR Customers!

Author: Tisha Hedges
Last updated 11/13/2018

Working with genuine wholesale suppliers is essential to any online business. Getting tangled in the web of fraud, fake and scam wholesalers is a difficult thing for your business to recover from. We have heard so many horror stories from online retailers that have suffered from this, and that is one of the reasons why got started!

Fake wholesalers are ?companies? online that look like legitimate companies, but do one or more of the following;

1. Charge you annual or monthly membership fees: Real Wholesale Suppliers do not charge monthly or annual membership fees in order to resell their products. Genuine wholesale suppliers are free to work with and do not charge you these extra fees just for the honor of selling what they offer. The ONLY time that this is OK or understandable is if they offer an additional service that you selected from them. But all real wholesalers will not charge you to just resell.

2. Take your money and run: So after you pay your membership fee, and then start listing products for sale? everything seems to be going great until you make your first order. You place the order to have the product delivered to your customer and nothing ever gets shipped! You have already paid your membership fee, paid for the product and now you aren?t getting any responses from the ?wholesaler? or you are getting ?bogus? answers and your customer is angry!

3. Scamming Your Customers: When you place an order with a drop ship supplier, you are providing the company with your customers information. This can also includes phone and email address. Uh oh! You just provided the scammy wholesale supplier another person to contact, harass and try to make money from. Your customer will know that they ordered from you and will connect the dots.

Stay away from fake wholesalers that will damage your business and damage your reputation by only working with genuine wholesale suppliers. The best and original source for genuine wholesale companies is here at Worldwide Brands! All of our members have the security in knowing that every supplier in our Directory has been checked out and deemed legitimate by our team of experts. Our listed suppliers do not charge membership fees, will deliver products as expected and will not market to or scam YOUR customers! Get more information about what we provide here.

Find more information about online scams by visiting our Scam Watch page. You can also send us an email from that page to let us know YOUR horror story! Hopefully you don?t have one!