These are just a few of the thousands and
thousands of positive emails we've received
at Worldwide Brands since 1999...
Hello Chris,
My name is Andreas Georgiou. I started a
company called Andreas, Inc. back in 1997.
It was primarily a corporation that was
formed in order for me to save money on my
taxes. I was a full time musician of 18
years and a starving one at that. I had
decided it was time to get out into the
"real world" and get myself a "real job."
Though the idea of working for someone else
really was a turn off for me. It's just not
me, it never has been. I guess that was one
of the reasons I had loved being a pro
musician for so many years, it certainly
wasn't for the money. My point is, I was
looking for something else. I was hungry for
an opportunity to create something of my own
that would eventually dwarf my musician's
I one day got the crazy idea that I would start a home based business selling products online. The thing of it was, where would I find products to sell and also, what would I sell? While searching on the internet for answers to those questions I came across a website with information about a book called "Starting your internet business right" by Chris Malta. Best of all, it was free. What a deal. I immediately downloaded it, read it and re-read it. That book changed my life. I now have seven websites with being the primary. I am a platinum power seller on eBay and sell just as much on I am not an I.T expert, nor do I have any technical knowledge when it comes to creating websites or even any experience when it comes to selling online. If it were not for World Wide Brands and the information within their website along with the knowledge that they provided, I'd be singing the blues right now...literally.
I started off my business by selling primarily on eBay but quickly came to realize that there was another 800 pound gorilla product selling market place that many other sellers didn't think was as good as eBay. That 800 pound gorilla was Amazon. Amazon is great for books but not for selling something like martial arts equipment or musical instruments, right? Wrong. Amazon accounts for 50% of my sales and at the moment, is growing at a faster pace than eBay. It would be foolish to overlook them. Amazon has one major, distinct advantage for sellers over eBay, its fees. You can list as many products as you like on Amazon for one flat $50.00 monthly fee. Only when you sell a product do you then actually pay a percentage of the final price of that product. Ebay is quickly coming to realize that this is a very effective business model that is both beneficial to the seller as well as the company. In fact, as recently as September 16th , eBay changed their fee structure to more effectively compete with Amazon using a similar business model. Getting set up with Amazon is relatively easy and once you feed your products through a data file, which they show you how to do, you will find that the sales will start coming in relatively quickly.
One thing to be sure you take care of when selling on Amazon is to make sure that you provide tracking numbers for the orders within the specified time that you have set for your products. Amazon is a much stricter market place than eBay and expects a lot more from its merchants. If you are a 100% drop shipper like myself, be sure that you have distributors that you can trust and that will ship out in a timely manor or else you will be left in a rough spot with Amazon. That's where World Wide Brands comes in. Their list of distributors is nothing but reputable. They are screened before they are accepted by them.
Follow the proven path of success. There is no need to blaze your own path. Although that can sometimes be very rewarding, that is also fraught with risk. World Wide Brands and One Source is the only source I use to find real distributors with real wholesale prices. Don't fall into the middle man scam or be taken for your hard earned money by companies that are less than reputable. I have personally been to Word Wide Brands offices and met the people behind the operation. They are all good people that are part of an honest business that are helping others like myself become successful. What can be better than that?
Andreas Georgiou
I one day got the crazy idea that I would start a home based business selling products online. The thing of it was, where would I find products to sell and also, what would I sell? While searching on the internet for answers to those questions I came across a website with information about a book called "Starting your internet business right" by Chris Malta. Best of all, it was free. What a deal. I immediately downloaded it, read it and re-read it. That book changed my life. I now have seven websites with being the primary. I am a platinum power seller on eBay and sell just as much on I am not an I.T expert, nor do I have any technical knowledge when it comes to creating websites or even any experience when it comes to selling online. If it were not for World Wide Brands and the information within their website along with the knowledge that they provided, I'd be singing the blues right now...literally.
I started off my business by selling primarily on eBay but quickly came to realize that there was another 800 pound gorilla product selling market place that many other sellers didn't think was as good as eBay. That 800 pound gorilla was Amazon. Amazon is great for books but not for selling something like martial arts equipment or musical instruments, right? Wrong. Amazon accounts for 50% of my sales and at the moment, is growing at a faster pace than eBay. It would be foolish to overlook them. Amazon has one major, distinct advantage for sellers over eBay, its fees. You can list as many products as you like on Amazon for one flat $50.00 monthly fee. Only when you sell a product do you then actually pay a percentage of the final price of that product. Ebay is quickly coming to realize that this is a very effective business model that is both beneficial to the seller as well as the company. In fact, as recently as September 16th , eBay changed their fee structure to more effectively compete with Amazon using a similar business model. Getting set up with Amazon is relatively easy and once you feed your products through a data file, which they show you how to do, you will find that the sales will start coming in relatively quickly.
One thing to be sure you take care of when selling on Amazon is to make sure that you provide tracking numbers for the orders within the specified time that you have set for your products. Amazon is a much stricter market place than eBay and expects a lot more from its merchants. If you are a 100% drop shipper like myself, be sure that you have distributors that you can trust and that will ship out in a timely manor or else you will be left in a rough spot with Amazon. That's where World Wide Brands comes in. Their list of distributors is nothing but reputable. They are screened before they are accepted by them.
Follow the proven path of success. There is no need to blaze your own path. Although that can sometimes be very rewarding, that is also fraught with risk. World Wide Brands and One Source is the only source I use to find real distributors with real wholesale prices. Don't fall into the middle man scam or be taken for your hard earned money by companies that are less than reputable. I have personally been to Word Wide Brands offices and met the people behind the operation. They are all good people that are part of an honest business that are helping others like myself become successful. What can be better than that?
Andreas Georgiou

Hello Chris,
I just wanted to drop you a note and say
thank you for all of the resources and
information you have provided me with over
the past couple of weeks. I did take your
advice and purchased [your product]. As most
people are I was of course skeptical of
something that promises so much and is sold
over the internet. I have been burned before
but after researching your product for weeks
and doing my homework I decided to take a
chance and laid out my cash. I am happy to
say that it was a great investment. Without
this product I quite frankly would have
given up trying to source and research
legitimate suppliers with legitimate
products long ago. I am taking this venture
slow and have only held a couple of auctions
and made one small liquidation purchase for
some toys that I think I will be able to
make a nice profit on. As I learn more and
do more and more research I do tend to
become a bit overwhelmed with all of the
information and choices out there. I have
found your newsletters, videos, resource
centre and e books immensely helpful in
getting me through the reams and reams of
information. It can be a bit discouraging at
times but your plethora of free material and
obvious experience in this area has helped
me maintain my focus. Working full time and
raising two young kids does not leave a lot
of time or energy left for trial and error.
If I am going to make this thing work I need
to learn from those that have gone before
and avoid as many of the mistakes that are
lurking out there as possible. You have made
this endeavor immensely more possible with
your wonderful product and amazing support
and advice that you offer so freely. I do
get the impression that you actually care
about your customers and do want to see them
succeed. Obviously this is one of the keys
to your success.
Thanks again
Signed A very happy (but freezing, I need to come down there to Florida...)
Canadian customer.
Glenn F.
Thanks again
Signed A very happy (but freezing, I need to come down there to Florida...)
Canadian customer.
Glenn F.

Dear Worldwide Brands Inc.
We have forged an alliance with several of
the drop ship companies on the site and are
extremely pleased with the results. We
highly encourage the small and medium size
internet or brick-and-mortar establishments
to seriously consider a subscription to
[Worldwide Brands Product Sourcing
J. D. McGill, Inc
J. D. McGill, Inc

I want to thank all of you. If it wasn't for
your web site I would still be working in my
dead end job. Thanks to Chris's e-book and
the directory I am fully self-employed now
with my own web store and selling products
like a mad-man.
Thank you all for everything
Todd Levick
Thank you all for everything
Todd Levick

I have subscribed to your directory for a
few months now and have been very pleased
with the information given. Thank you for
your time and continued efforts. The new
store I am building wouldn't have been
possible without your guide. I owe a lot of
my success to your product. It gave me the
info I would have never found without it. I
still continue to search for wholesale
suppliers on a regular basis but the ones I
use from your product don't show up on
searches and would have otherwise gone
Brent Hall
Brent Hall

I just want to say that I am amazingly
impressed by your site. I have spent more
hours than you can possibly imagine (well
maybe you could) searching for sources of
wholesale, surplus, drop shippers, etc.,
researching and buying money-making schemes
and directories, and basically wading
through monstrous piles of BS to find a few
useful pieces of information. I have found a
few other sites or programs with a decent
amount of good information, but there's
always a lot of scandal and junk thrown in
with the good stuff.
I have been doing this for years and your site is the first and only one I have ever found is completely 100% legit, extremely helpful, professionally designed & maintained, and with quick & courteous customer service. Keep up the excellent work and know that you have made the miracle of ECommerce even more miraculous than it was already."
Craig Gross
I have been doing this for years and your site is the first and only one I have ever found is completely 100% legit, extremely helpful, professionally designed & maintained, and with quick & courteous customer service. Keep up the excellent work and know that you have made the miracle of ECommerce even more miraculous than it was already."
Craig Gross

Dear Worldwide Brands,
I just want to say THANK YOU! Your directory
is amazing. I purchased several other
directories this week - before I was
fortunate enough to stumble upon your site -
and without exception, all of them have
turned out to be scams.
After reading through the information on your web site, I decided to purchase your product. Of course, having been misled several times this week, I was a little nervous. Not to worry. I was thrilled when I accessed the site for the first time. There was much smiling and squealing involved. I am extremely impressed; it is every bit as fabulous as you claim.
Thanks again.
Kristin Frederking
After reading through the information on your web site, I decided to purchase your product. Of course, having been misled several times this week, I was a little nervous. Not to worry. I was thrilled when I accessed the site for the first time. There was much smiling and squealing involved. I am extremely impressed; it is every bit as fabulous as you claim.
Thanks again.
Kristin Frederking

Just want to say a quick "Thanks" for
providing such a great service! This is the
best money I've ever spent. Your efforts are
greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much!!
Thanks very much!!

I just wanted to let you know that I am
currently using (one of your distributors)
for my drop shipping orders. I think they
are the best company that I could ever have
asked for. They allow you to order online
with real time updates. They have lots of
different products from such a wide spread.
I have contacted my rep for myself here in
NY and she is very pleasant. They are
nothing but helpful.
They don't even charge me for drop shipping because about 100% of my orders are being drop shipped and they also don't charge me a fee for having a low priced order. Again they are great and I just wanted it to be heard. I still cannot remember how I ever stumbled onto your website, but sure glad I did. Keep up the great work!!
Thanks again.
Scott Hier
They don't even charge me for drop shipping because about 100% of my orders are being drop shipped and they also don't charge me a fee for having a low priced order. Again they are great and I just wanted it to be heard. I still cannot remember how I ever stumbled onto your website, but sure glad I did. Keep up the great work!!
Thanks again.
Scott Hier

Dear Chris,
I have not found one site yet that gives
this much of the right info. that is
actually in human language that anyone can
understand, and yet, still find a way to
make those who read your articles laugh
instead Of fall asleep! And one more
thing-out of all the people I've ever met,
or read their articles/books/etc. you are
the only one I have found that is as
sarcastic as me! That's a good way to keep
the attention of your readers!

Hello there
I am a subscriber to your 'directory' and I
love it. I also loved your ebook, which was
unlike anything I've ever read on the
internet before. Out of the dozens of so
called "internet guru's" etc. that I have
seen, you were the ONLY person that I would
actually trust. I could tell right off that
you weren't a BS'er like the rest of the
guys out there. I was amazed with your
honesty, along with the fact that what you
sell is actually WORTH what you charge for
it, in my opinion."
Have a good one!
Matt Betourney
Have a good one!
Matt Betourney

I stumbled on to your web site by chance, or
should I say by an act of God. I am a single
mom trying to make ends meet. It's tough out
here. I have always wanted to start my own
web business but like you talk about I don't
have much I can afford to lose. Basically,
if I make many mistakes I don't only lose my
hard earned, saved, money I lose my chance
to ever accomplish my dream of doing this.
The biggest thing for me right now is to some day be able to take my sons on a vacation to Disneyland or anywhere for that matter but my eyes on Disneyland. My sons are 13 and 14 and I have never been able to take them anywhere. They are growing so fast and I am running out of time to show them that they can be proud of me. Anyway, I came to your site for help, I'm so glad I did.
I'll confess that I have already made one mistake with a false wholesaler. Anyway if you have any tips that would help me that would be great although your web site has been like a dream come true for me. I feel so much more educated on what to do and what not to do. Anyway, the point of my letter was to just tell you Thank you for making this site. Your site will no doubt help me to change my life. I'll keep you posted if Disney ever comes...
Thank you so much
Kelly Longoria
The biggest thing for me right now is to some day be able to take my sons on a vacation to Disneyland or anywhere for that matter but my eyes on Disneyland. My sons are 13 and 14 and I have never been able to take them anywhere. They are growing so fast and I am running out of time to show them that they can be proud of me. Anyway, I came to your site for help, I'm so glad I did.
I'll confess that I have already made one mistake with a false wholesaler. Anyway if you have any tips that would help me that would be great although your web site has been like a dream come true for me. I feel so much more educated on what to do and what not to do. Anyway, the point of my letter was to just tell you Thank you for making this site. Your site will no doubt help me to change my life. I'll keep you posted if Disney ever comes...
Thank you so much
Kelly Longoria