These are just a few of the thousands and
thousands of positive emails we've received
at Worldwide Brands since 1999..
First of all, I just wanted to say that I
rarely email someone about their site. I
find that 99 out of every 100 sites are
either the same old information, or scam
sites for which I just don't have the time
or patience.
I just wanted to say that I've spent the last 10 hours going through your site, reading your EBook, and checking the...links you've provided. You, sir, are an informational god-send. It's a shame that your site is not required reading for anyone wanting to start an online business. Well, I suppose it already is, but only for those lucky enough to find it.
Thank you! Thank you and good luck!
Laurie Jeanneret
I just wanted to say that I've spent the last 10 hours going through your site, reading your EBook, and checking the...links you've provided. You, sir, are an informational god-send. It's a shame that your site is not required reading for anyone wanting to start an online business. Well, I suppose it already is, but only for those lucky enough to find it.
Thank you! Thank you and good luck!
Laurie Jeanneret

Dear Everyone There...
After all I've learned, words fail me... all
I can say is, thank you. Thank you for the
enormous amount of work, time and effort you
put into [your products] and "Starting Your
Internet Business Right.". Thank you for
providing the tools and sharing your
knowledge, making this old gal's dream a
Best regards,
Elaine Lopez
Best regards,
Elaine Lopez

I just got done reading your book "Starting
your Internet Business Right" on line. WOW!
You have saved me! I was pretty much "lost
in the woods", toying with the idea of
starting an e-business. Went to two of the
"get rich quick lists" and found out the
hard way, luckily at a very minimal cost.
What I have discovered is that this is not
for me at this time. Thanks again for a
great read and some real and honest

I first wanted you to know that you have
already saved me some money. I was "This
close" to buying into one of those middleman
scams for a mere $40. After devouring the
information on you website, I now have the
truth about drop shippers. Thanks. Your
website has been very powerful for me.
Thanks a million,
Thanks a million,

Thank you so much for all the time and
effort you put into your e-book to help guys
like me get up on the net. I have not found
anything like it anywhere. It is a great
Thanks much
Gary Schaeffer
Thanks much
Gary Schaeffer

Hello Chris,
I am 27 years old and in college. I've been
sort of in a rut lately and I'm really
trying to get ahead but I hate my job and
the pay is terrible. I don't mind working
hard...I just want to work hard for me...
not for somebody else who doesn't even
appreciate it.. Listen, I just want to thank
you for all the free information you are
giving out to me and everybody else. I read
your fantastic e-book about 12 times
already. I almost fell flat on my face with
many of the scam artists out there. There
are so many it's unbelievable!!!! I'm taking
this very slowly and trying to learn and get
use to the process of building a store
online. I already purchased your directory
and I think it's super! . Anyways I'm glad I
stumbled on to your site. God Bless you and
your unselfishness to help other people.
Your very gratified customer
Sammy Diaz
Your very gratified customer
Sammy Diaz

Hi Chris,
Just wanted to tell you that that after no
telling how much time and money spent to
wade through garbage, I found your site. I
read your ebook from front to back and
smiled to myself the whole time, because I
had finally found something that I could
use. Then through your web site I found
"Yahoo! Store Profits" and the pieces are
coming together. Thank you for putting real
usable content in your message.
Dale East
Dale East

Hi Chris
I am a retired cable ad sales manager and
have just entered the world of ecommerce and
in searching the web looking for drop ship
information, I found your site. I just
finished your book and I LOVED it.
Semi-retirement is just great and I look
forward to working with your company and
learning more about ecommerce.
Thanks again for all your help
Jim & Linda Norton
Thanks again for all your help
Jim & Linda Norton

Dear WorldWide Brands, Inc.
I would like to commend you on your free
e-book. I have been doing extensive Internet
Business research via the internet and phone
for over 2 months now so that I can open an
Internet Business with open eyes and have
not once encountered anyone else who
explains the steps and money involved in
opening one. It is refreshing to know that
your company cares enough to take the time
to put out this information.
Thank you;
Thank you;

Dear Worldwide Brands,
Excellent source of information; very
professional; I was also impressed with the
level of honesty and forthright presentation
of the 'ins and outs' of getting started
with e-commerce. This is what makes it
particularly valuable information. Please
keep up the good work.
Richard Nelson
Richard Nelson

I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times
before but I have been looking for [your
products] for close to 6 months. WHEW!!!
Finally, exactly what someone needs to sell
something on the net without having to
actually stock or produce the products
themselves which was the direction I was
headed. Everything just got easy, thank you.
Oh yeah, loved the book because it provided
me with quite a bit of info on the how to
from step one (where ya begin) to actually
selling products online and concentrating on
the important things like the traffic and
profits instead of everything else. Great